Ignatian Reflections

20 January 2023 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jan 20, 2023 5:00:00 AM

20 January 2023

Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Mark gives the history how Jesus chose a few to help him in his mission to spread the good news of salvation. He called those he freely selected, reminiscent of how God had earlier chosen from many nations a particular group to become his Chosen People, and their history reflects the mystery of how God acts. He is the one who freely chooses the seemingly insignificant for the welfare of others.

In order for me to understand who I am, I should reflect on this mystery. Ever since my baptism, whatever calling in the Church I have had, was because the Lord selected me to participate in fulfilling his plan, his mission. The more I reflect on this fact, the more I appreciate God’s gratuitous love for me personally.

Jesus chose the apostles individually in order that they be with him in spreading the gospel to others. What was true for them is true for me: there is no vocation in the Church apart from a close union with Jesus; there is no vocation that does not reach out to others.

Resolve: I shall set aside some time asking the Lord to enlighten and strengthen me in the apostolic vocation he has chosen to give me now; to teach me how this calling is intended to bring me closer to him, and to bring others closer as well.

  January 20th, 2023