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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Mar 9, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 March 2023

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent

The question that today’s gospel leaves us with is as follows: will comfort reach the ones who are tormented? The answer to this question depends in large part on whether or not we want to make that happen in this life. The parable that Jesus shares illustrates the rich man’s comfortable indifference to Lazarus’ tormented existence of hunger and pain. Through his actions, through the way he lives his life, the rich man answers the question with a resounding “No.” It is no surprise then that in the afterlife, the answer to this question which becomes very much his own as he suffers from thirst, is still, “No.”

“Between us and you a great chasm is established,” says Abraham. It is impossible to cross from one side to another.

Do we believe that comfort will reach those who are tormented? Let our lives and our actions be an answer to this question. Let us share our time, our treasure, our talent with those who need it. Let us work to bridge the gaps that divide. Let us live with a spirit of encounter. And let us live with the hope that we, in our own torments, will be comforted. The time to express our answer to this question is now. And this answer will live on.

  March 9th, 2023