Ignatian Reflections

11 March 2023 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Mar 11, 2023 5:00:00 AM

11 March 2023

Saturday of the Second Week of Lent

The story of the prodigal son highlights the Father’s infinite mercy after we, out of our own volition, have turned away from him. His compliance to all of the younger son’s requests is meant to emphasize the complete gift of freedom that God has given us. Unfortunately, it may lead us to develop a flawed image of God, one in which God, for the sake of not compromising our freedom, is rather uninvolved in the world he created.

We believe, however, in an active God who works in ways that are often discrete and mysterious, and yet discernible by a heart that is willing to listen. The gospel passage tells us that the Father catches sight of his son while he is still far off. How many days did he go out there with his desire to see his son return? Was it not, perhaps, this desire that called out, discretely in the son’s heart and filled him with the courage to begin his journey back home?

We are free because we have a Father who provides for us in ways that are sometimes subtle and discrete, and others, like in the feast, rich and exorbitant. Let us deepen our trust in Divine Providence. Providence did provide. Providence can provide. Providence will provide.

  March 11th, 2023