Ignatian Reflections

20 March 2023 «

Written by William Manaker S.J. | Mar 20, 2023 4:00:00 AM

20 March 2023

Solemnity of Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today, the Church’s liturgy shifts from the Lenten cycle of readings to offer us the figure of Saint Joseph, whose solemnity is transferred to today. Joseph is a man who plays an integral role in the history of salvation, as the husband of Mary and legal father of Jesus. And yet he does not see the fruit of his mission, nor does he even receive a full explanation of his role. The angel simply tells Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary into his home, since the child has been conceived “through the Holy Spirit,” and to name the child she bears Jesus, “because he will save his people from their sins” (Matt 1:20–21). Rather than demanding clarification—a seemingly reasonable request—Joseph accepts the angel’s word, embraces this strange turn of events, and reimagines his life around this baby to be born (cf. Francis, Patris Corde, 7). And Joseph’s acceptance of this unexpected and difficult role is not one of passive resignation but of courageous and active fidelity to the plan of God revealed to him, even when not completely clear (cf. Patris Corde, 7–8).

Joseph’s example can prompt examination on our part. When unexpected circumstances come our way, do we embrace them in faithful and creative trust in the Lord? Today, let us ask Joseph to teach us and pray for us, that we might be, like him, true children of our Father in heaven.

  March 20th, 2023