Ignatian Reflections

26 March 2023 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Mar 26, 2023 4:00:00 AM

26 March 2023

Fifth Sunday of Lent

There are a number of accounts in the gospels of Jesus raising up a dead person, and they all serve as introductions to his resurrection. Our Lord dies because he is truly man; he rises up because he is truly God. He saves us by his death and resurrection. Each of us will die, but we will also rise up from death. Jesus said: “I am the Resurrection and the Life … Do you believe this?” It is the question we are invited to consider today.

As the four Gospels show, Jesus was truly a man’s man; yet, he wept copiously when he heard of Lazarus’s death.  Lazarus was a close friend. Lesson: The faith that makes us Christ-like should make us more human as well. Nothing should harden our hearts. Everything should make them more open to feelings of sympathy for others and hope we’ll all meet one another after death.

The raising of Lazarus from death to life shows God’s power. Jesus expresses his thanks. We too can express thanks to God for the triumph of life over death.

Resolve: Today I shall spend some quiet time, alone, thanking God for giving me eternal life, and I shall ask Jesus to make me more human, more like himself, while I live on this earth, especially in dealing with those close to me, and also with all those who come into my life.

  March 26th, 2023