How pertinent for me is today’s 1st reading. People, once joyful pilgrims on the way to the Promised Land, encounter elements that drain enthusiasm: hot climate, a lack of food and water, a weary endless trail. Finally, poisonous snakes! I can identify with these pilgrims. The symbols may be different; the meaning is the same.
They then complained against God for sending them evil. Well could they say, “Lord, we have left everything and followed you” (Matt 19:27), Now, look what we’ve got! Thanks a lot!”
God instructed Moses to have the people craft a bronze image of a snake, lift it high on a pole and anyone bitten by a live snake looks at it will be healed. Weird? No, the symbol is of Christ lifted high on the cross and the crosses in my life can lead to a better knowledge of how peace and happiness can come through pain.
Resolve: I shall reflect on this readings today as a preparation for a deeper meaning of Good Friday, and I shall ask the the Father to give me courage from, and a better understanding of the daily crosses I face in my pilgrimage with Christ to the Promised Land.