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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Mar 30, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

30 March 2023

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

What does it mean to be a Christian? Today’s readings parse out the answer.

Ever since Abraham, mentioned in both readings, sinful human race awaited the arrival of Jesus, who is without sin, to save us sinners and make us the Father’s adopted children. The four Gospels and the Epistles show us how he carried out his mission, and they map out for us that we are born to die, but also invited to live out God’s plan for us on this earth. Also, it is up to each person to choose life, which is Christ; not death, which is sin.

As we approach Holy Week, a lesson  in today’s Gospel invites to see that by his passion and death, Christ not only perfected Abraham’s sacrifice, but they also were the epitome of his love for the Father and for us, invitations to be like him, to be Christians.

Resolve: I shall spend some time reflecting on Abram’s posture before the Lord. He prostrated himself and listened. Maybe I do not have to do that, but the scene invites me to ask myself if an Oh, hum attitude beginning my prayer might the reason why I’m carried away with so many distractions that I forget what I mean to be doing. It’s food for thought for a sloppy Christian.

  March 30th, 2023