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Thomas Croteau S.J.Apr 4, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

4 April 2023

Tuesday of Holy Week

Today we consider St. Peter the Apostle. Peter had been called to follow Christ. When so many others were leaving Jesus after He insisted that His Body is true food and His Blood true drink, St. Peter remained with Him. Peter wants to prove His faithfulness in following Christ, and so he is troubled perhaps more than the other apostles when he hears Jesus say, “You will look for me, and as I told the Jews, ‘Where I go you cannot come,’ so now I say it to you.” (Jn 13:33)

At the announcement of a betrayer of Jesus and of Jesus going where the apostles cannot come, St. Peter asks, “Master, where are you going?…Master, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” (Jn 13:36-37) We can hear in Peter’s voice the confusion that Christ’s Passion will bring. We can also hear the presumption that is mixed with Peter’s love as he rashly contradicts Jesus. He insists on his own timing for heroism and sacrifice, rather than trusting in Our Lord’s providence.

Finally, we hear Jesus foretell St. Peter’s deeds. He will deny Jesus three times that very night. The Gospel will also record Peter’s repentance, and tradition will remember the fulfillment of Jesus’ words to Peter: “…though you will follow me later.” (Jn 13:36) But today, we are left with Peter as he sits stunned before Christ. He is so sure that he can follow Jesus through the whole Passion and even try to save Jesus from the cross. Yet, this shock and confusion prepares Peter to see afterwards that it must be Christ who goes first, who proves His love and faithfulness first, who lays down His life for us first. May St. Peter pray for us, that we may be humble and to watch where Jesus leads, so that we may follow in His good time.

  April 4th, 2023