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Thomas Croteau S.J.Apr 8, 2023 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

8 April 2023

Holy Saturday

On this day, the one day of the year when the Eucharist is not given (except as Viaticum), we contemplate Christ’s body sealed off from His disciples in the tomb. To help us in this contemplation, we may picture Jesus’ blessed mother coming to the tomb to mourn Him and to pray. Mary had not left her Son’s side throughout the Passion. She had remained with Him in His last agony and at the moment of His death. How would she have prayed at the sealed tomb that held the body of Our Lord? Today, as Christ’s body rests in the quiet of the tomb, we can pray quietly with Mary who remained in mourning and in hard, profound hope that the promises of her Son would be fulfilled. May Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us, that we may learn from her how to mourn and how to hope.

  April 8th, 2023