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Jacob Boddicker S.J.Apr 19, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 April 2023

Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter

The world is formidable thing, broken to its very core. It is easy to see the world as the enemy, but we must remember that it is not: it has been enslaved by the Enemy, its ruler. But Jesus says, “Now is the time of judgement on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out,” (John 12:31). Why would He bother? Why would He not, seeing the utter ruin in which He found the world, find Himself saying, as He did in the days of Noah, “I will wipe out from the earth the human beings I have created…” (Genesis 6:7).

He does not, because with the coming of His Son among us, as one of us, everything has changed. Thus we read, instead, the beautiful words of our Gospel today. Read them, and ponder them in your heart:
“God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”

God so loved this broken, ruined world that He has gone to extraordinary lengths to save it.

God…so loved you.

  April 19th, 2023