Ignatian Reflections

25 April 2023 «

Written by Benjamin Jansen S.J. | Apr 25, 2023 4:00:00 AM

25 April 2023

Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist

Today’s Gospel contains an incredible exhortation to what might seem an extreme degree of trust in the Lord. At the same time, perhaps this is a reminder that what we in the context of the contemporary world might consider to be an extreme degree of trust is perhaps really what God invites us to consider an ordinary degree of trust. Nothing is impossible for God and nothing is impossible for the one who entrusts themselves totally to Him. Things that seem incredible or crazy or unattainable are simple for God. He is the master of all who literally sustains every atom of every molecule intentionally in being at every moment of every day.

One difficulty for many Christians is that we have heard these passages so many times that we risk becoming desensitized to the incredible invitation that we have been offered: to live our lives in a radical relationship of complete surrender and trust to a God that knows us better than we know ourselves and wants better things for us that we do ourselves. The question for us is whether we’re willing to accept this invitation. Are we willing to put ourselves completely in His hands? Are we able to let go of our own preconceptions and really give God free reign to work and act through us? What might our lives look like if we really allowed God complete and total free reign?

  April 25th, 2023