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Richard Nichols S.J.May 27, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 May 2023

Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter

St. Paul’s missionary journeys ended in Rome.  He was brought there as a prisoner and remained under house arrest for years, and shackled by chains, suffering for a crime that he did not commit, but he was not bitter about the injustice of his situation.  He didn’t let it impede his proclamation of the gospel.  On the contrary, he let his joy be known to all comers.  He had spent many years traveling in search of audiences, but in Rome the audiences came to him.

            How was it that St. Paul’s joy was not overcome by rage, frustration or bitterness over his unjust punishment?  No doubt, it was the grace of God at work.  Paul had received encouragement all along the way: some from God himself, and some from his fellow Christians.  In fact, when the Roman Christians heard that Paul was coming to them, they sent delegations out to meet him.  The first delegation met him about 40 miles out at the Appian Forum. The second delegation met him about 30 miles out at Three Taverns.  “On seeing them, Paul gave thanks to God and took courage (ἔλαβε θάρσος, accepit fiduciam)” (Acts 28:15).  Their visits brought him courage.

            This blog is a series of delegations from the Society of Jesus that was founded in Rome in 1540.  These delegations come out every day to meet you.  Give thanks to God and take courage!

  May 27th, 2023