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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Jun 1, 2023 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

1 June 2023

Memorial of Saint Justin, Martyr

In today’s gospel, we see a shift from blindness to sight in Bartimaeus. But even before working this miracle, Jesus works on another transformation, that of the hearts of his followers. The ones who rebuke and silence Bartimaeus become the same ones who encourage him once Jesus takes notice of the situation. “Call him,” he tells his disciples. The Lord could have easily called Bartimaeus himself, but he wanted there to be a change in his followers who only saw an inconvenience in Bartimaeus and not a fellow human being in need.  

Whether they immediately had a change of heart or only responded kindly because they thought that’s what Jesus expected of them, we cannot know. But the situation does give us food for reflection about whether we overlook or deem as a nuisance those with whom Jesus wishes to be close. And whether what we do comes from our hearts or comes merely from expectations.  

Open our eyes, Lord, help us to see and to act as you do.  

  June 1st, 2023