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Ignatian Reflections

Ignatian Reflections

Each day receive an Ignatian reflection on the Mass readings of the day written by Jesuits.

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14 January 2023

14 January 2023 Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Within us, perhaps, there are elements of both the sinner and the Pharisee from ...
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13 January 2023

13 January 2023 Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Today’s gospel tells us that Jesus “was at home.” Whose? It doesn’t specify. But the ...
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12 January 2023

12 January 2023 Thursday of the First Week in Ordinary Time In today’s gospel, disobedience seems to be the name of the game. Any onlooker ...
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11 January 2023

11 January 2023 Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time The one who is infinite took on a finite form and walked among us. He was subject ...
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10 January 2023

10 January 2023 Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time “You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands,” reads today’s ...
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9 January 2023

9 January 2023 The Baptism of the Lord “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” beautiful words spoken from heaven by the Father ...
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8 January 2023

8 January 2023 The Epiphany of the Lord Today’s feast of the Epiphany celebrates the revelation of the Lord incarnate to all the nations. ...
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7 January 2023

7 January 2023 Christmas Weekday Saint Ignatius has his retreatants ask God for certain gifts at particular moments of the retreat. His ...
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6 January 2023

6 January 2023 Christmas Weekday Beware of being overly passive in the spiritual life. “Whoever possesses (ὁ ἔχων, qui habet) the Son has life; ...
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5 January 2023

5 January 2023 Memorial of Saint John Neumann, Bishop According to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, love consists in a mutual ...
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