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Kevin Dyer S.J.Mar 13, 2010 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

The Exercises and the Liturgical Year

March 13, 2010

As we enter into the second half of Lent, the readings we hear at daily Mass begin to shift focus.  Until now we have mainly heard readings from the synoptic gospels which have emphasized our relationship to God, particularly our need to acknowledge our sinfulness and repent.  Beginning Monday, the Gospel of John will take precedence.  These readings will focus more intently upon the person of Jesus.  Two basic questions emerge: who is Jesus and what does Jesus do?

Our retreat follows the same path as the liturgical year.  We find ourselves asking the same questions: who is Jesus and what does Jesus do?  Let us, therefore, allow the liturgical year to draw us more deeply into prayerful contemplation of the person of Jesus.

  March 13th, 2010