Ignatian Reflections

The Incarnation: The Coming of the Divine King «

Written by Mikey Wood S.J. | Mar 25, 2011 4:00:00 AM

The Incarnation: The Coming of the Divine King

March 25, 2011 |

Grace: For an intimate knowledge of our Lord, who has become human for me that I may love Him more intensely and follow him more closely.

Text: Luke 1:26-38

Reflection: Today we have the opportunity to step back momentarily from our world and all its demands and focus on the Trinity.  Take deep breaths and think about how each person of the Trinity sees you.  See how the Father is present in your own personal history as the Creator of life, working so that you might be with Him, revealing to you His love.  See how the Holy Spirit is present in your very existence as the Giver of life.  He is present in all your relationships, blessing them with fruitfulness.  See how the Son kneels to wash your feet as the Redeemer of life.   He comes to you as Love Incarnate.

Ignatius proposes that after we consider the call of Christ the King we begin to enter into the mystery of the Incarnation through the eyes of the Trinity.   They gaze upon the world and see suffering, destruction, and hopelessness.  Without salvation, many are going down to hell.  The Trinity freely decides to enter into this tragedy not with all the glory due to Them as God, but by sending the Son to take on our humanity, and be like us in everything except sin.  This is so that we may be saved—so that we may share in the glory of our Creator, life-Giver, and Redeemer.

Three points to consider and pray about:

1) Let us imagine the state of the world leading up to the moment of the Incarnation.  What are people saying?  What are people doing?  Let us also consider our world today—a world so much in need of redemption and salvation.  What are people saying today about humanity?  What are they doing?  Does the future look good or grim?

2) The Trinity gazes upon the diversity of all humanity, and loves.  They hear and see all the things that people are saying and doing.  They know us all more than we know ourselves.   Every breath we take is because of Them.  Let us imagine, with freedom, how They discuss amongst Themselves the state of humanity and Their plan of action.  Let us listen to what They are saying and see how They are bringing about redemption and salvation.

3) Let us imagine the angel of the Lord being sent to Mary.  What is Mary doing at the moment in which the angel appears to her?   What is her world like?  Where does she live?  Let us listen in on the conversation between the angel and Mary, asking the Lord at every moment for intimate knowledge of Him.

As we conclude our prayer, perhaps it would be beneficial to converse openly with any one person of the Trinity or with Mary.  Express thanks to the Trinity for Their work of salvation, and to Mary for her openness to be led by the Spirit.  Consider how the Son has become human for you personally, how He has wished to bring about your redemption through His incarnation.

  March 25th, 2011  | |