Ignatian Reflections

Appearances «

Written by Mikey Wood S.J. | Apr 25, 2011 4:00:00 AM


April 25, 2011 |

Grace: to be glad and rejoice intensely because of the great joy and the glory of Christ our Lord.

Text(s): See below

Reflection: The Gospels and other new testament writings provide many accounts of different encounters between the Risen Christ and His disciples.  Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (Mk 16:1-11), Mary the mother of James, Salome and Mary Magdalene (Mt 28:8-10), Peter (Luke 24:9-12, 33-34 and John 20:1-10), the disciples on their way to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35), to the disciples (John 20:19-23), to Thomas (John 20:24-29), on the shore of Gennesaret (John 21:1-17), on Mount Tabor (Mt 28:16-20), and forty days after the Resurrection and to St. Paul(1 Cor 15:6-8).  After all this, he ascended into heaven (Acts 1:1-12).

After seeing the pretty extensive list above, perhaps picking one that draws your attention and praying with it would be the best bet.  The following considerations should be taken into account during the prayer.

Consider how the divinity of Christ, which seemed hidden during the Passion, now appears and manifests itself so miraculously in this holy Resurrection, through its true and most holy effects.  This is the fullness of the life of God present among men!  God’s act of creation is consummated in this moment.

Consider the task of consoler which Christ our Lord carries out, and compare it with the way friends console one another.  As our friend, Christ comes near to us to put our anxieties to rest.  At first many of the people he appears to do not see that it is Him.  But through the Spirit that He bears, our vision is cleared—we recognize Christ as our Lord, Redeemer, and Friend.

The friendship that Christ offers us is a relationship of consolation.  To be consoled by the Resurrected One is to participate in the Resurrection and be left confirmed in a true experience and reception of genuine hope: God has come to us!  Not even death can restrain Him!  In His task of consoling, Christ gives us the Spirit that proceeds from His love with the Father—and He gives without measure!

The various reactions of all the people that Christ appears to amount to one thing: the adoration of our Lord.  For the man who was brutally crucified three days ago is present now, gloriously alive—because He is Life itself. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate purification that drives each human being to the most authentic of joys rooted in the Glory of God.

Questions: How does Jesus choose to people?  What kinds of things does he say to them?  How do they respond?  How would the scene play out if Jesus appeared to me and consoled me as a friends do?  What kinds of things would I want to tell him?  What kinds of things would he want to tell me?

  April 25th, 2011  | |