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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Mar 14, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

14 March 2024

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

There is something comic about the dialogue between God and Moses in the first reading today. God tells Moses to go down to “your people” you brought out of Egypt and have become depraved. Hey! “they are “your own people”." Moses answers. You do something with them. The ball is in your court. Not mine. Comic, but serious also.

The excerpt teaches me that no matter how much I love a person for whom I am making intercession, God loves that person even more. It also teaches me how important intercession for others is necessary, how God hears intercessory prayers for his beloved sons and daughters and blesses me also for bringing them to his attention.

In today’s Gospel Jesus affirms the importance of Moses’ role as an intercessor for others. In addition to this quality, he also stresses the importance of knowing and bringing the truth to others as John the Baptist did. So, we are called to be imitators of Moses and John. Finally, Jesus says we cannot be intercessors or instructors of “unless you come to me to have life”  

In these readings today, Jesus instructs each one of us what our vocation is and how we are challenged to carry it out according to our present state.

Resolution: During the remaining days of Lent, I will spend some time asking the Father in the name of Jesus to know him better so that I can make constant intercession for others, especially for street people, unbelievers, depressed, homeless, illegal migrants and the growing number of nones.