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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Mar 15, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

15 March 2024

Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Today, we read the opposition among Jesus’ own people, those to whom he has been sent by the Father to teach them the way, truth, and light, has grown more tense. His people simply could not understand him. If he came from God why did he not save Jerusalem from the rule of the Romans?  Why did he not confirm his assertions by spectacular signs?

The answer was the salvation of the world was not to come about in a spectacular manner. Jesus came to Jerusalem all alone, in secret, as the suffering servant, to celebrate the Passover feast. Ever since his earliest days, there was nothing unusual, significant about him. He was the carpenter’s son, a man like any other.

But he did manifest the invisible God to those willing to allow him to build a friendship with him and a stronger relationship with the Father. To pray means to strengthen my friendship with Jesus, my personal relationship with Father while allowing the Holy Spirit to introduce me to a multitude of others who inhabit the quiet, invisible world that surrounds me. It is the Catholic thing to do.

Resolve: In a spirit of gratitude for all he has done for me, I shall ask Jesus to give me more insights into his Passion and death and ask him to make me more aware of the trials and tribulations of my confreres so that I can bring them more often to him for healing.