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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Feb 16, 2025 12:00:00 AM1 min read

16 February 2025

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

One interpretation of today’s readings would go like this: Trust God, not people. Hope for a good life in heaven, not here on earth. After all, Jeremiah does say, “Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings,” and Jesus does say to those who find themselves in need, “Your reward will be great in heaven.” But we know that our faith does not call us to live mistrusting our fellow human beings or simply pining for the glories of the hereafter in a world of injustice. What a suspicious, passive and sad bunch we would be.

Yes. Our trust is placed ultimately in God, and yes, regardless of conditions of this earthly life, we can hope to enjoy the bliss of heaven.  But our faith also calls us to be in solid, transformative relationships here and now, working with others, building networks of trust, clamoring and fighting for justice in ways large and small. I daresay that even daring to trust someone with a personal struggle is a step in the right direction. Loving God means loving the life we have with each other here.

In this Jubilee Year, in which we are called to be pilgrims of hope, may we practice and inspire hope in this earthly life, and thus show others where our ultimate hope is found. Hope does not disappoint.