Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Most of the time, our breathing goes unnoticed. Sighs are different. A deep breath in, a deep and audible breath out. Without a word, a sigh says so much. This can range from fatigue, to longing, to relief, to exasperation, to delight.
Today Jesus sighs “from the depths of his spirit” after the Pharisees argue with him and seek from him a sign from heaven. Keep in mind that just before this he had miraculously fed four thousand. God’s breath of life becomes a breath of frustration, one in which the life before us, the life being given, is not recognized as such.
What do our own sighs say? In those moments of frustration, fatigue, longing, relief, delight can we see the signs of the life that God is giving us and calling us to?
If we seek him, we will find that the author of life will be closer to us than our very breath.