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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Jun 22, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

22 June 2024

Memorial of Saint John Fisher, bishop and martyr and Saint Thomas More, martyr

The Gospel passage for today emphasizes the need for personal integration. No one can serve two masters. No one can truly give their heart to contradictory priorities at the same time. What are the things that we worry about the most? Where do we spend the majority of our time and energy? What are the thoughts and concerns that fill our leisure time? The answers to these types of questions can help to reveal how our hearts are truly oriented. Are desires for Heaven and relationship with Jesus real, lived priorities in daily life? Or do they take a backseat to worldly ambition and temporal comfort-seeking?
Today is also the feast day of St. Thomas More, the former High Chancellor of England who was ultimately executed by King Henry VIII because he refused to recognize Henry as head of the Church of England and likewise would not endorse separation from the Catholic Church. More enjoyed a prominent position of power and influence and had every opportunity to publicly compromise his Catholic faith to save his neck and his career. But Thomas knew better than most that he could really only serve one master, and he sacrificed his life to testify to the truth of the Catholic faith. Let us pray to St. Thomas More for the strength and fortitude to take to heart the words of the Lord in the Gospel: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be given to you as well.”