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Christopher Ross S.J.Jun 23, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

23 June 2024

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our lives we might feel like we are thrown into the midst of a stormy sea, just like the one described by the Gospel today. The circumstances that surround us might be bombarding us with tragedy, occasions of misfortune, or plights of obstacles that make it laborious and difficult to follow the Lord. Moreover, these tumultuous waves might even seem to break the bow of our lives by disturbing our interior peace. And so, with external disturbances around us, we might find ourselves with interior turbulence that fills up our minds and hearts with sadness, fears, doubts, and many other kinds of tribulation.
            But, if the Gospel today reminds us of anything, these words refresh the true belief that Jesus Christ is Lord over all. With a mere spoken word, Jesus, the Word made flesh, is able to calm the raging sea. There is no obstacle so tremendous, no disturbance too strong that it is beyond the reach of Jesus’ all-powerful love and all-loving power. The One who could calm the stormy sea is able to give peace to our lives as well. To be sure, at times during moments of trouble and distress, we might wonder if the Lord is asleep because we do not sense and feel the overflowing abundance of his presence. Speaking about this phenomenon, St. Ignatius reminds us that, although at times the abundance of fervor and the intensity of God’s favors might be taken away, nevertheless, God always offers us sufficient grace for our eternal salvation. Even amid the darkness of night and the raging storms of our lives, we know that Jesus is still in our boat and truly makes it his care to ensure that we do not perish. Even when he is asleep, Jesus is Lord of our lives and Lord over all.