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Kevin Dyer S.J.Aug 8, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

8 August 2014

Memorial of St. Dominic

The readings of this week have all been pointing us toward the uncomfortable reality that truth matters, particularly the truth about Jesus Christ. In a sentimental age like our own, the passing fancy of emotional attachment, too many times disappointed, quickly turns into a worldview of ‘whatever.’ Against powerful political and media forces, it becomes all too easy to crumble under the weight of compromise. It is easier that way, right?

Therefore, it is fitting to celebrate the Feast of St. Dominic today, a saint who strengthens within us the backbone of faith, faith in the ultimate reality of Jesus Christ revealed in the dogmatic tradition of the Church. From the mouth of St. Dominic and his followers, dogma is no longer a lifeless, even stultifying routine, but a vivifying reality. With the truth of the Gospel as our support, we can stand against any force that threatens and even, with God’s grace, triumph. Let us beg St. Dominic to obtain for us the grace that we may witness to Christ with a fiery passion that draws many souls to his friendship.

  August 8th, 2014