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Kevin Dyer S.J.Aug 9, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 August 2014

Saturday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

With faith, nothing will be impossible for you.

On our journey through life, we may look within the dwelling place of our hearts and find that it no longer appears as it once did. At some point a compromise with the world has crept into our soul, taken up residence, and now protests to be an essential part of the structure without which the whole edifice of our soul will crumble. We may make efforts to cast out this intruder, but they all prove half-hearted, and thus unsuccessful.

It is precisely at this point that we need to hear the advice of St. Ignatius, advice that was more often on his lips than any other: “Vince te ipsum,” that is, “overcome yourself.” The breathless confidence of St. Ignatius in the face of human weakness is heartening. Because when we consider the matter, we must admit that God is on our side in the matter, and God hates whatever separates us from Him. The fitting response to such a thought is faith, trust that God will see to completion the work He has begun if we only give Him the space to do it. Yes, there may be brighter or darker moments, but the confidence which faith engenders will ensure that the home of our hearts will be flooded with light.

  August 9th, 2014