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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Mar 6, 2015 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

6 March 2015

Friday of the Second Week of Lent

The parable in today’s Gospel shows us God’s plan of salvation for all. He takes the initiative; he is not thwarted by noncompliance. He plants the vineyard and sends caretakers; they are not accepted. He sends his son. He is murdered. Result: God entrusts his vineyard to others; hence the Church.

What a wonderful gospel to reflect upon on the first Friday of the month, the day special to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And how coincidental it is that the first reading helps us focus on this feast. Joseph, the beloved son sold by Judah, is the image of Jesus, the savior of his people.

As the gospel shows us, the Father sends Jesus to save all mankind by his death. He is the beloved Son, who accepted death to redeem us, to make us coheirs with his Father. The Sacred Heart is the symbolic image of Jesus’ divine and human love for each of us. Pray to the Holy Spirit today for a deeper insight into this mystery.

  March 6th, 2015