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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Mar 7, 2015 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

7 March 2015

Saturday of the Second Week of Lent

Today’s readings invite us to continue our reflections of those of yesterday. They give me a different, a more profound insight into God’s mercy: “You will cast into depths of the sea all of our sins.”

Fidelity to God despite my infidelities – that is what I am invited to reflect on today. God is the father in the parable of today’s gospel, the one who waits patiently for the slightest sign of his son’s return.

Fidelity to the sacrament of reconciliation – or to go to confession – is to participate in this same drama.

Confession is the forgotten sacrament today. We should press parish priests to make more times available for confession and insist that parents emphasize fidelity to this sacrament, all of the while remembering that children will never go to confession unless they see their parents standing in the line.

  March 7th, 2015