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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jan 27, 2017 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 January 2017

Memorial of St. Angela Merici, 

So, during the last few days I’ve been considering that the consequence of my gift of faith is to share it. That’s nice to think about but realistically it is pretty scary.

In today’s Gospel the Lord gives a few examples of encouragement about how to put this sharing into practice. He assures me I should have confidence, but reminds me that he’s in charge. He’s the one who gives growth in the Kingdom of God – not me, not anyone else. What a relief! What he expects from me is active collaboration, placing in his hands confidence in what I find in myself and in others. Then butting out letting him take over.

One practical suggestion of how that can be done: Become acquainted with the apostolic ministry of FOCUS, the organization committed to spreading the Gospel today on our secular college campuses.

After rereading the meditations of the last two days, I’ll ask myself: How can I support the brave young men and women in this organization dedicated to making Christ known in such a challenging environment? How can I make their apostolate better appreciated? Lord, help me pull that lamp from under my bed! Enlighten me how to be and how to encourage others to be FOCUS supporters.

  January 27th, 2017