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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 10, 2018 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

10 April 2018

Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter

How do I go about understand Jesus’ teachings? Today’s Gospel helps me answer that question. 

It shows me I must give confident attention to what he said and did. It is not a matter of theological knowledge. The Gospel shows me that those who are “poor in spirit” and those who hunger for living faith in him are those who come to know his truth.

Jesus teaches me that because he is God he can live in the midst of teeming humanity. He shows me that I cannot come to understand him as I understand a mathematical or a social problem, with naked logic alone.

I must come to understand that as Son of Man he is the living link between heaven and earth. It was on the Cross that he sealed forever the relationship between God and man. He became my redeemer. 

Each time I attend Mass and partake in the Eucharist, I ratify in faith that alliance. It is through Jesus, my Savior, with Mary, my mother, that I enter more deeply into eternal life.  

  April 10th, 2018