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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 11, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

11 April 2018

Memorial of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr

In today’s Gospel I can hear repeated the theme of Monday’s feast, the Incarnation.

With Mary, I am able to collaborate with God in the immense work of the salvation of the world. How? To accept Jesus in my life means walking in and toward the Light; turning my back on him means opting for darkness. Either option leads to Judgment.

It is not a question of pure intellectual conviction of God’s plan for man, but it is a response that I must give with all of my being during every moment of my life. Such is the way I progress in and towards truth, and at the same time be a witness for others of God’s light to the truth.

Salvation is God’s work in the world; this gift fires up faith in me and faith is nurtured in prayer. Prayer means joining who and what I am in collaboration with God for the salvation of all.

Those who have an attraction to the Devine Mercy devotion (sorry, I don’t) might see all the Mass readings this week helpful in fostering their prayers and dedication.  

  April 11th, 2018