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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 12, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

12 April 2018

Thursday of the Second Week of Easter

In today’s Gospel John the Baptist introduces me to Jesus and invites me to follow him.

Because he is the incarnate Son of God, he is man above all others. Because he is God living in the intimacy of his Father, he speaks the words of God, the expression of God’s love for me, for all. I am free to heed them or leave them echo in the void. If I do listen I learn to see truth in myself and in world about me.

Faith sets me up now for life that will never end because faith means opening myself here and now to Jesus Christ. The Father has give his Son to the world to gather all together in him. 

Whoever encloses himself within the borders of this passing life will never hear God’s voice, understand his language, be able to enter into the flowing tide of salvation. He will never be able to live a full life. Why? Because our life’s worth is measured by the length and depth of our faith in him who created us, loves us and redeems us. 

  April 12th, 2018