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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 13, 2018 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

13 April 2018

Friday of the Second Week of Easter

Jesus has already chosen his apostles and has attracted a large crowd of followers who have earlier been impressed by his miracles. 

Now he asks his apostles what food they have to feed the crowd. Not much. But they bring this little to him. He shows he has need of them in order to accomplish his work. Lesson: Whenever I work with him with the little I have, I do the same as the apostles did. I am a collaborator, a co-worker, an apostle.

John presents this scene as a prelude to the Eucharist. He transforms the little the apostles brought him to tie it together with his work, the salvation of the all. 

I realize I do not have much, but if I unite the little I have with Jesus offering to the Father in the Mass, that little becomes much because Jesus takes it and offer it with himself to the Father. That’s the Eucharist. That’s the Mass. That is the spirit of my Morning Offering. 

  April 13th, 2018