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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Dec 23, 2019 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

23 December 2019

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

“John is his name,” wrote Zechariah—a fitting name for a son who came as an unexpected gift from God. “John” comes from the Hebrew meaning “God has been gracious.”

Grace can be defined as a gift freely given and freely received. John was a gift freely given to his parents, who longed for a child. But having given up hope in his old age, Zechariah was not prepared to freely receive such a gift. His long months of silence and reflection, however, must have helped him to be truly free to receive this newborn child. This is why he pays no mind to the naming customs of the time. “There is no one among your relatives who has this name,” his friends said to him. But God had been gracious with Zechariah and Elizabeth. He had freely given them a newborn son and Zechariah was now free to receive this awesome gift. John would be his name.

God’s grace abounds. Are we free enough to receive it?

  December 23rd, 2019