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Cornelius Buckley S.J.May 10, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

10 May 2020

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Today, as we continue patiently living under the lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus, we are invited to reflect on three topics.

First. Jesus’ words in the Gospel are designed to bring personal peace – a feature so desperately needed at this time. He promises the day will come when we will be introduced into the Father’s house to live in perfect peace; in total social-contact. He has already gone ahead, and when our time comes, he will return to take each of us with him to the place he has reserved from the beginning of time.

Meanwhile, as we make our pilgrim’s way, he points out the route. He is the way. During his life on earth, he taught us who the Father is and his relationship with him. Then, he encouraged us to pray: “Our Father”.

Second. In the 1st reading we are introduced to the vocation of deacons. I shall reflect on why they were so needed in the early Church, realizing not much has changed since then. I shall then spend some time praying for the deacons we have, and I’ll ask the Lord to send us more, particularly among the Spanish speakers.

Third. Today is Mothers’ Day. What is more consoling than to pray for mothers!  Who or what plays a more vital role in the formation and development of our families, society, country and Church!

The model of the ideal mother is the Blessed Mother, who prays for us now in union with our prayer of thanksgiving for the earthly mother the Lord has given to each of us. Won’t our peace be more perfect when we find her there awaiting us, without a mask, in Our Father’s house?

  May 10th, 2020