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Cornelius Buckley S.J.May 11, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

11 May 2020

Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Jude’s question to the Resurrected Jesus in today’s Gospel invites prayerful reflection. Why did Jesus choose to appear to but a handful of people? His answer: He depends upon each one of us to complete the work assigned to him by the Father. That’s the meaning of my vocation

How do I do it? First of all, if I am his faithful witness, I’ll put into practice his Word, Jesus, in all I say and do. Doesn’t this sum up the life of the Virgin Mary?

She accepted the Holy Spirit within her, and thereby brought forth Jesus, the Son of God, into the world. So, I must accept the Word of God in myself in order to be able to make him present for others.

How do I do this? By regular communication with the Holy Spirit, who dwells now within me, teaching me the power of the Word made flesh, and by begging the Blessed Virgin that I be as docile to the Spirit as she was.

Here’s an example: St. Paul, in the 1st reading, demonstrates for me the consequences of the Holy Spirit living within him: “Paul looked directly at [the beggar] and saw he had the faith to be saved.”

Do I look at everyone I encounter with the same compassionate mercy? I shall ask the Holy Spirit to give me that power. I shall ask the Blessed Virgin to show me how I can put it into practice and thereby collaborate with the evangelizing mission of the Church. Finally, I shall thank Jesus each day for the vocation has given me.

  May 11th, 2020