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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Dec 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

1 December 2020

Tuesday of the First Week of Advent

Today’s Gospel gives us a beautiful image of the Holy Trinity. The Son rejoices in the Spirit as he addresses the Father.

It is the Holy Spirit that reveals God’s wonders to us. How do we describe this Spirit? The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah answers: “It is a Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and strength, knowledge and fear of the LORD.” This is the spirit that rested upon Jesus, and it rests upon all those who follow him with childlike hearts.

How often do we settle for judging by appearance or deciding by hearsay, letting ourselves be guided by what the world deems important and valuable? With God, our eyes and our ears are transformed. We begin to see all with their inherent and inalienable dignity. We begin to hear their cries for love. And with a childlike dependence on God, we work to make justice and peace flourish.

  December 1st, 2020