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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Dec 2, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

2 December 2020

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

We need food. Not occasionally, not daily, but several times a day. If we stop to consider our constant need for nourishment, we realize that we are not invincible or unstoppable. Even the strongest person needs sustenance. It’s part of being human. It’s the reason why political candidates bite into hot dogs at state fairs. They want to seem approachable, relatable. It might also be the reason why we seldom see footage of them doing the same once they’ve secured power.

Jesus understood our endless hunger. It’s why he feeds the multitude. It’s why he came to be with us, to be our companion.  The etymology of this word is quite beautiful. It comes from the Latin “com” meaning together and “panis” meaning bread. A companion is literally one who breaks bread with us. The bread that Jesus gives, of course, is his own body that brings life and satisfaction like nothing else in the world can.

Just like the crowds who were fed in today’s Gospel, every time we share a meal, every time we share the Eucharist with others, we might think of our humanity, our need and our hunger. And with this in mind, we might walk with each other as brothers and sisters, true companions in the way of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  December 2nd, 2020