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David Paternostro S.J.Aug 7, 2021 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

7 August 2021

Saturday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

The disciples’ faith is not strong enough. They do not have the power to cast out the demon from the afflicted boy, so Jesus does so instead. The disciples could not put an end to the suffering, but Jesus could. Jesus’ power supplied in the disciples’ weakness. He will likewise make up for our own weaknesses, too.

There will be moments when you are not enough. On your own, you will not have enough faith, you will not have the resources, you will not have the power. You will be too weak. But you will not be alone. All this week, we have reflected on the various ways in which the power of God shows forth in our lives. All of these are ways in which God is with you. Jesus has been with you, and his power will make up for your weakness. Reflect on your life, and know that the power of Christ is with you.

  August 7th, 2021