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Thomas Croteau S.J.Sep 22, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

22 September 2021

Wednesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Ezra’s prayer is a beautiful example of humility. Although he has returned from the Babylonian Exile, although he and the others returning are beginning to find material resources to meet their needs, neither of these is a cause for him to forget either God or his humble state. Rather, he begins by recalling his need and God’s goodness, and remains focused on God’s goodness.

Perhaps it was to aid such a spirit of humble awareness of reliance on God that Our Lord, when he sends the Apostles to cast out demons and to cure diseases, sends them without any material securities: “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money…” (Lk 9:3) In giving this command for their mission, Jesus gave them a strong and sure means of spiritual life: clear knowledge of their utter dependence on Divine Providence.

We may not need to take absolutely nothing for the journey on which the Lord sends us. Yet, are we willing to tap the brakes on our culture’s instilled drive to acquire more and more stuff in the hope of finding security? Even more, is there something (perhaps something I have not used in over a year) that I could give away (perhaps to someone in need) and so make a little offering to the Lord and in turn accept His reminder that I rely on Him for everything?

  September 22nd, 2021