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Thomas Croteau S.J.Sep 23, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

23 September 2021

Memorial of St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

After returning home to Judah from the Babylonian exile, the people though they had turned more to the Lord than the early exiled kings and priests had, nevertheless still needed prophets to help them overcome their hesitations in embracing the Lord’s presence in their midst. So the word of the Lord comes to Haggai, and sets before them the utter insufficiency of their efforts at restoring material comforts more quickly through delaying the restoration of the Temple.

Now thus says the LORD of hosts:

Consider your ways!

You have sown much, but have brought in little;

you have eaten, but have not been satisfied;

You have drunk, but have not been exhilarated;

have clothed yourselves, but not been warmed;

And whoever earned wages

earned them for a bag with holes in it. (Hg1:5-6)

All the basic needs of the body are not being met, and what is worse, the need for them to recognize the primacy of the most important relationship in their lives is being neglected. The Temple is indeed to be rebuilt to glorify the Lord. (Hg 1:8) However, the effects are reciprocal. By concretely turning their attention to the Lord in the act of rebuilding, the returned exiles are also to realize how much the Lord takes delight in them! (Ps 149:4) The glorification of the Lord’s presence in their midst is an act which benefits the people, and which will bring proper order to all the rest of their endeavors. Brothers and sisters, let us not leave God’s love unrequited, let us not postpone our response of love. Today, let us rebuild into our schedule the time which the Lord asks of us, let us go to those places (perhaps a nearby adoration chapel) where He so clearly manifests His presence, precisely to show us how He delights in us, His creation and image!

  September 23rd, 2021