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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Nov 23, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

23 November 2021

Optional Memorials of Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, priest and martyr; of Saint Columban, abbot; of Saint Clement I, pope and martyr

Three holy men are celebrated today in our liturgies today. Let us look briefly at each.

Pope Clement died a martyr in the year 101. Even at that early date, his pontificate was shot through with schisms and polarization of different movements within the persecuted Church. Not very different from in kind the pontificate of Francis I? I shall ask the Lord today to increase in Catholics through the world the virtue of faith.

Columban died in the year 615. As a teenager he was plagued by temptations against purity, which he successful overcame. As a monk, he and his companions rekindled the faith in some parts of Europe and brought it to other parts. They also made the sacrament of Penance auricular and popular.

Is there a teenager in our pornographic culture today who might be called in the near future to repeat Columban’s mission? I shall ask the Lord to increase in all of us the virtue of hope and to install the graces he gave to Columban and his monks to future apostles.

Miguel Pro died this day in Mexico before a frying squad in 1927. His crime? As a priest he brought Christ to the suffering in the sacraments, words and actions. contrary to the anti-Christian culture of that time.

Are there unknown, young Miguel Pros in our woke culture today?  I shall ask the Lord for the grace to see his providential hand, especially toward our Spanish-speaking emigrants and to increase in all of us the virtue of charity.

  November 23rd, 2021