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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Nov 24, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

24 November 2021

Memorial of Saint Andrew Dŭng-Ląc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs

Many ideas in today’s readings. In the Gospel Jesus tells us that because we are believers we risk being rejected, even by those closest to us. The martyrs we celebrate in today’s Mass testify to that fact, as do others in our own communities, who are rejected and suffer in bloodless but tearful ways because of their faith.

St. Andrew, his companions and many today shed tears. Strength, courage and perseverance are essential to be a follower of Jesus in every walk of life . Let us pray the Lord will strengthen these virtues in ourselves and in those tempted to find life’s meaning outside the Church.

Belshazzar’s abuse of alcohol described in the 1st reading might be a fruitful consideration, especially for the coming holidays. His punishment conjures up the price payed because of the same sin by other Biblical personalities: Noah, Samson, Herod.

The abuse of alcohol and the use of mind-altering drugs are judged to be harmless relaxants. The young are particularly vulnerable to the coaxing of those who urge such sinful experimentation. So, they need special daily prayers and encouragement to keep clean.

We should also pray for those who fight addiction, especially addicts who live in desperation.  Remember too: the Lord, who is merciful, also holds up a cup of bitter wine in his hand for the unrepentant (Rev.14:10). As for those who cause scandal . . . !

  November 24th, 2021