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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Mar 2, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

2 March 2022

Ash Wednesday

There’s often a lot of bustle around the beginning of Lent as people try to discern how best to approach this beautiful season of renewal. Should I give something up? Should I commit to something new? How much? How little? How often? These questions are valid, good, and important, but it’s also essential to recognize that Lenten practices should never be an end unto themselves. Rather, they should be chosen carefully so as to orient and free our hearts so that we might live more fully into an authentic relationship with Jesus.

In the Gospel today, our Lord provides some very practical advice with regard to Lenten practices and emphasizes the significance of intentionality. How we choose to spend our time is obviously important, but what matters even more is why. Lent isn’t about picking penances just so we can check a box off on some list. It’s about getting to the heart of who we are and taking a good long look at the realistic state of our relationship with God. One thing that might be helpful to consider while discerning our plans for this Lent is the question “Is there anything that I want more than to be in the presence of Jesus and see his face?” If so, what are these things? How do I prioritize the way I spend my time and energy? Is my relationship with Christ really the most important thing in my everyday life? If not, what concrete steps can I perhaps consider this Lenten season so that I can greet the Risen Lord freely and joyfully this Easter Season?

  March 2nd, 2022