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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Mar 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

3 March 2022

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

The Gospel passage today from Luke is one that may at first seem difficult or challenging, but careful reflection reveals God’s infinite, loving intentions for us. It’s easy to get so caught up with the hustle, bustle, and routines of daily life that we lose sight of the telos of our earthly lives. As such, it’s essential that we frequently take time to step back and reflect on the larger designs that God has destined for us. We are heavenly citizens on an earthly pilgrimage. God intentionally created each and every one of us so that we might live and dwell with Him in heaven for all eternity.

From this perspective, the Gospel takes on a slightly different light. Losing our lives in this context does not mean losing our identities or giving up all the good things we have. Rather, it means choosing the best things that will bring us true and lasting joy and fulfillment both in this life and in the next. It means recognizing that we are made for the eternal joy that only God can give and that trying to satisfy this eternal, spiritual hunger with temporal, material goods is a recipe for perpetual unfulfillment. More than anything, it means seeking to will the will of God in every aspect of our lives because He desires nothing short of our highest and eternal good in every possible way.

As we ponder the readings today, let us reflect on the ways that God invites us to recognize and embrace our heavenly citizenship during this Lenten season, including the possible ways that we can focus on more intentionally living into the depth of his desires for us.

  March 3rd, 2022