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Thomas Croteau S.J.Apr 20, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

20 April 2022

Wednesday in the Octave of Easter

“Rejoice, o hearts that seek the Lord!” (Ps 105:3b)

What is one way to begin to enter into the joy of the Resurrection? Confess our need and our troubles. By the end of the first reading today, we hear how a man who had been paralyzed from birth was jumping and praising God as he entered the Temple with Peter and John. His joy (like his mobility) comes after he has first asked Peter and John for alms. He acknowledges that he is in need, and is seeking help. That first humble step opens the door for tremendous graces and he receives more than alms and even more than simply the miraculous ability to walk. 

So, too, by the end of today’s reading from the Gospel, which begins with two utterly dejected disciples, the two disciples are running back to Jerusalem to tell their joy at having recognized the Risen Lord in the breaking of the bread at Emmaus. What was the first step in coming to recognize this Lord who accompanied them on this way of sorrow? When He speaks to them, they reveal the source of their sorrow, and tell Him about how their hearts have been deeply troubled by the death of their Lord. They do not hide their trouble, but bring it to the light of this One who walks with them as evening draws near. By opening their hearts to reveal their pain, they also open their hearts to receive the fire which Jesus’ words enkindle in them anew. What weighs on our heart today? Are we open to speaking about it in prayer with Jesus who walks with us?

  April 20th, 2022