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Benjamin Jansen S.J.May 8, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

8 May 2022

Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Gospel passage today should be a source of tremendous comfort and confidence in the overwhelming love that God has for us. In a few short sentences, Jesus explicitly reveals his relationship to the Father, asserts his desire for our eternal life, and assures us that those who love Him will never be separated from Him. We should never cease to wonder at the fact that we have been created from nothing by a God who desires to be in intimate relationship with us. How incredible and wonderful it is that we are held in existence minute to minute by a God whose only motive for doing so is that He simply delights in us and wills our infinite good.

There will always be aspects of life that are unpredictable or beyond our control. Despite the difficulties that we inevitably encounter, however, it should give us tremendous consolation that no matter what we face or how dire things might sometimes seem, there is literally nothing and no one that can forcibly remove us from the love of God. He is ever-present and sustains us throughout each day with a fiery and passionate yet tender and patient care that we cannot fully comprehend. He also longs for our time and attention in the same way that a loving father delights in spending time with his children. As we continue to revel in the joys of the Easter season, let us also continue to look for ways that we can spend quality time with the Lord.

  May 8th, 2022