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Benjamin Jansen S.J.May 9, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 May 2022

Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter

The inherent relationship between sheep and shepherd is an interesting one that parallels our own relationship with God in many ways. Left to their own devices, sheep can stray from the flock, they can get lost, they can get stuck, they can get hurt. Sheep are also relatively defenseless and there’s little they can do to protect themselves from predators. As with any relationship, trust between the sheep and shepherd is a product of time and experience. The sheep come to know that the shepherd will lead them to sustenance and rest and will be their defense in times of trouble. As such, the sheep may not always know where the shepherd is leading them, but they come to trust that he will provide for all their needs

Just like sheep, our relationship with God deepens as we experience his loving care in our lives and begin to intentionally spend time with Him. In time, we come to recognize his voice in our hearts amidst the noise and chaos of everyday life. More than anything, we come to trust that He is the one who sustains us, provides for us, defends us, and gives us every good thing we could ever need. Let us take time today to reflect and give thanks for the many ways that God provides, guides, and tenderly cares for us like the Good Shepherd that He is.

  May 9th, 2022