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Thomas Croteau S.J.Sep 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

4 September 2022

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Another word for “disciple” is learner. Those who follow Christ, do not simply wish to put their feet on the physical path which He trods, they wish to let the truth He teaches permeate their minds, they want to find refuge in the wisdom which Christ offers. In the Gospel, Christ lays down clear criteria for being a disciple, for testing our sincerity in saying we want to learn from Him. After speaking of family and one’s cross, Jesus concludes: “…anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” (Lk 14:33)

Jesus’ words make even clearer what He has shown us in His own life: the Will of God our Father must be put before all else. Our Lord bears no animosity towards His family on earth; on the contrary, He shows us that to love family rightly, we cannot set up a conflict between love of family and love of God (eg cutting out Sunday Mass, so as to have ‘more time’ to prepare for a get together or sporting event). Allowing mistaken priorities to eat away at our heart’s love for God will inevitably result in corrosion of our heart’s love for family and others as well.

So what does Jesus propose? Self-denial so as to make more room in the heart for God and those whom God loves so much. Perhaps this week, we can take a look at our habits of prayer, (maybe even talk our prayer habits with a friend). Let’s try to see to what extent we make concrete time and place for God. And let us be honest as we compare this to places where we have allowed desire for possessing things (eg time dedicated to a screen) or possessing people to get in the way of the love of God which Christ teaches will truly set us free. Let us yearn to be disciples and to seek Jesus’ wisdom once again.

  September 4th, 2022