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Thomas Croteau S.J.Sep 5, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

5 September 2022

Optional Memorial of Saint Teresa of Calcutta

As Jesus saw this poor man who suffered from a withered hand.  Our Lord could not tolerate leaving him to suffer further on the Sabbath. He burned with a desire to do good and to allow His goodness to change this man. The scribes and Pharisees by contrast thought to use religion as a a reason to leave the man unchanged.

St. Paul in writing to the Corinthians cannot believe that they have been so lacking in compassion as to tolerate grave immoral acts in their local church, and even to allow the perpetrator to boast of his deeds. St. Paul has no time for such insensitivity in the hearts of the Corinthians. Instead, he tells them to have real concern for their brother, and to take serious steps to aid him in conversion, in transformation: confronting his behavior, showing him how he has caused serious harm to the unity of their local church, and praying for him to repent sincerely.

Today, let us consider how Christ has worked in others to show real compassion on us in body and soul: those who have taken care of us, visited us, fed us; those who have held us accountable for our harmful actions and have called us to repentance and transformation. Let us ask the Lord for the courage to love sincerely as He taught them and as He wishes to teach us.

  September 5th, 2022