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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Sep 25, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

25 September 2022

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The parable of Lazarus and the rich man Presents several important facets for consideration. Firstly and most obviously, it reminds us of the obligation that we have to be mindful of and care for the most vulnerable in our world. Most especially, we are particularly called to minister to and love those whom we encounter on a daily basis. This is often extremely challenging and many times we’re tempted to just look the other way and pretend that we don’t notice the needs of others even when they’re right in front of our eyes.

The reality of human life is that it’s often messy. We might be uncomfortable getting involved in the lives of others or perhaps fear that offering to help will cost us more in terms of time or resources than we’re personally willing to expend. Our Lord makes it clear in the Gospel today and elsewhere (Mt. 25:35-40) that we are meant to care for one another with the same patient devotion and tenderness that we would show Him. It’s important to also keep in mind that we can never out-give God and that it is only when we give fully of ourselves that we allow God to fill our hearts and enrich our lives.

Let us pray today for an increased ability to perceive the needs of those around us as well as for the fire of authentic generosity such that we are able to give more freely and fully of our time and resources.

  September 25th, 2022